NVMe–oriented VPS Hosting Offerings

A lot faster Virtual Private Servers with NVMe storage space

Having an NVMe–operated web hosting server is an enormous advantage as far as web site optimization is concerned. A web site or a web application located on an NVMe drive will stream and work much more speedily as compared to a website or a web application located on an ordinary hard disk. That’s why, all of our Linux KVM virtual private servers are provided with NVMe drives.

NVMe–oriented VPS Hosting Offerings

An OS of your liking

Grab the Operating System you want

With a KVM VPS, you can be truly autonomous from the mother server as far as the OS is concerned. The KVM virtualization method enables virtual machines to communicate directly with the physical machine’s hardware components, without the need to pass through a separate virtualization layer. This way, with the right ISO disk image, you can set up any Operating System that is supported by your server
An OS of your liking

A zero-middleman server virtualization

A kernel-based virtualization

The paramount difference between KVM-driven Virtual Private Servers and virtually all other types of virtual servers is the virtualization methodology itself. With KVM, there’s no need for any additional virtualization app to be installed on the server – the needed software commands are included directly into the host OS kernel instead. This distinctly reduces the resources that the physical host server has to set aside in order to run extra applications and in turn makes those resources accessible to the Virtual Private Servers. The absence of an additional communication layer also lessens the I/O wait time, effectively making your Virtual Private Server run far faster.
A zero-middleman server virtualization

A significantly improved resource usage

Effective use of system resources

Traditionally, virtual servers require an additional layer between them and the physical host machine to deal with resource administration. This leads to a notably minimized amount of available resources for the VPSs themselves. With KVM, this extra layer is eliminated, since the virtualization platform is baked into the physical host server’s OS. This is the reason why, all the resources offered by the host machine can be utilized by the KVM-driven VPSs that have been set up. This system resource availability provides you with that extra edge you require to make your sites and web apps conspicuously distinguishable from those of your competitors.
A significantly improved resource usage

Linux distribution Choices

Pick your Linux distribution

You could opt for a Linux syndication – Debian, CentOS or Ubuntu with all our Linux KVM virtual private servers.

Linux distribution Choices

Assembly and Problem–Solving

Our admins are all set to help you with all software package installations

If you ever would like to put in a specific software app for your web page or if you experience a very complicated issue with your web site that you really do not fully understand how you can fix, our qualified system executives will help you out. Using the Installation and Troubleshooting solution, you can easily arrange the services of our program professionals to perform the hard work for you.

Assembly and Problem–Solving

A Free Dedicated IP

One dedicated IP address without cost with every VPS

With every single Linux KVM virtual private server, you’ll be rewarded a dedicated IP gratis.

A Free Dedicated IP

VPS Functionalities

The Linux KVM virtual private servers are well–prepared for all kinds of jobs

We have carefully decided on the features of each of our Linux KVM virtual private servers. This way, we can rest assured that all our server packs will be working for you in the most effective way – starting with our basic Linux KVM virtual private server, which is extremely good for 1 multi–media heavy webpage or a small–scale application web server, all the way up to our most advanced Linux KVM virtual private server, which can become the foundation of a fully–fledged reseller web hosting home business. All Linux KVM virtual private servers are positioned on very efficient, custom–made control machines to guarantee a stable platform for you to put together and manage your websites.

VPS Functionalities

Full Root and SSH Access

Unlimited admittance to your hosting server

With each of our Linux KVM virtual private servers (with cPanel), we give you total root admission, which means you could have total control over precisely how the host operates. If you would like to, you are able to uninstall the OS and add a completely new one. You can easily re–configure PHP and Apache or mount brand new software pack , which isn’t provided with the shared hosting packs. And in case you would like guidance with any of these procedures, you could anytime take full advantage of our Installation & Troubleshooting offer.

Full Root and SSH Access

Our Service–level Guarantees

twenty–four–seven help and support and no configuration fees

Your Linux KVM virtual private server will be set up in about sixty minutes following registration. We don’t bill you any installation service fees, so the selling price you see on the web page is the final price for your VPS. We have invested time and effort in building our very own internal network and can easily warrant a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. In the event you demand assistance with any of the pre–installed in advance software, you could make full use of our help and support service twenty–four–seven.

Our Service–level Guarantees

Free Tools with Your VPS

Totally free reseller hosting software tools and a gratis dedicated IP

We include various free extras with your Linux KVM virtual private server to assist you to effectively take control of all of your web pages. You’ll have a totally free dedicated IP. In addition, on account of the domain name reseller account and the ClientExec assistance and charging software that we offer, you will be able to to start your own reseller website hosting home business completely from scratch.

Free Tools with Your VPS

A 99.9% Network Uptime

We manage a reliable network for you

We are working in cooperation with a data center in the States to keep a trustworthy indoor network. By employing high–class server hardware and expert executives, we look to ensure a 99.9% uptime for your Linux KVM virtual private server and a non–problematic surfing stay for all of your customers.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make a profit using your server

Experience the power of the neoBuzz web hosting Panel in starting your very own wholesale hosting brand effortlessly. Utilize the Account Management functionality to set up up to five separate sub-accounts, each one of them ripe for selling to your desired target market. Even if reselling hosting isn't your primary objective, making use of extra accounts can efficiently balance out maintenance server expenses. Please bear in mind that while Managed Services packages are provided, help with invoice or client assistance is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools